AK 420

THC 20-24%


AK 420 is a Indica cannabis strain that combines the genetics of AK-47 and an unknown strain. It is known for its potent effects and balanced characteristics. AK 420 typically offers a combination of uplifting cerebral effects and relaxing body sensations. Users often report feeling euphoric, creative, and relaxed. This strain is favored by those seeking a versatile experience that can be enjoyed both during the day and in the evening. AK 420 has a pungent aroma with earthy and skunky undertones. It is known for its potential ability to help with stress relief, mood enhancement, and pain management. However, as with any cannabis strain, individual experiences may vary, and the effects of AK 420 can depend on factors such as dosage and individual tolerance.

SKU: F-AK420- Categories: , ,
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AK 420 Strain

  • Genetics: AK-47 x Hindu Kush strains
  • Cannabis Type: Indica-dominant Hybrid
  • THC: 20-24%
  • Flavors & Aroma: Earthy, spicy, with hints of pine and skunk
  • Effects: Relaxing, euphoric, and calming,

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3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g


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