RAW Classic Single Wide

50 leaves/pack


It all started with RAW Classic! They provide smokers with premium, natural papers so they can enjoy their joints as nature intended. Vegan, unbleached plant fibers are used to create RAW, which is finished with gumline made entirely from natural tree sap. Paper manufactured with RAW is entirely natural, with no additives that cause burning. Each leaf has a unique criss-cross steam imprint that serves as a watermark and aids in preventing runs and maintaining a uniform, smooth burn.

Availability: In stock SKU: EX-RAW-CSW-SP Category: Tag:


  • Quantity: 50 leaf papers per pack
  • Material: natural organic Acacia gum
  • Paper size: 70 x 37mm


Additional information

Dimensions 7 × 3.7 cm
Rolling Pappers

1 Pack, 3 Pack


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